The Material Handling Blog

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Want to Make an Impact? Choose a Career in Supply Chain Automation

February 25, 2021
I was recently on a Sunday afternoon Zoom call (gotta love COVID-19) with some old friends from college – Boiler Up! We all graduated in the early 2000s, thus we’re 15 years or so into our careers. As the conversation progressed through a multitude of topics from the weather to kids to the trials and tribulations of U.S. politics, one of my buddies expressed how much he dreaded Monday mornings. Although he has a great job, he said he feels “uninspired”. My other buddies quickly jumped in acknowledging their agreement. I asked: “What would make you all feel ‘inspired’?” Almost in unison they all said they “want to feel as though their work is truly making an impact.”
Posted in General Blogs

3 Things That Will Help You Succeed in a Robotics Career

May 02, 2019
At Bastian Solutions' R&D branch, we have seen many intern candidates and interested students apply, all hoping to get into robotics. Here are three characteristics that we look for. They may not be what you think!
Posted in Education

What to Expect When Onboarding at an Engineering Company

February 28, 2019
Here's what you can expect when starting a new role at an engineering company based on my experience joining a team of industrial & systems engineers.
Posted in Education

The Value of Training

November 07, 2012
As a recent college graduate, I have been exposed to many new and exciting aspects of the robotics and material handling industries. I will argue that in the past month alone I have gained more valuable work experience than in the last four years of college. Why do I say this? The main reason is due to strong and impactful training.
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